Thursday, December 30, 2010

So whats so new about next year?

okay so i woke this morning with this idea for a cute little story in my head, but i also woke up with the thought that new year is DAY AFTER TOMORROW!(so the story i might jot down a bit later) not that its that big of a deal really, i have come to realize that new year is all just big fat hype that everyone has in their head. 

Although it is rather exciting i suppose, i mean its the start of a fresh new year. but i just dont know whats so NEW about it. i think i might starting calling it the NEXT year from now on. Because come on, what really is so new? the fact that the number at the end of 2000 changes?

Its not very like me, to be so cynical and stuff. Maybe because come to think of it, i dont feel like ive accomplished much as this year has come to a close. Maybe next year i might start taking (im going to use a cool metaphor like thing right now) "the bull by its horns". Because at the end of NEXT year i want to be able to look back on it and be like dayyyyum girlfraaaaaaand you were so happenin :p (no not really, but you know what i mean)

Even though i have not accomplished anything of significance, i have had some lovely moments in this new year.I have made such fantastic new friends and had the best laughs with them. I worked for a bit too, made some money on my own, hey come to think of it that was quite significant! so scratch that part i said at the beginning!. Because working hard and making money is such a liberating feeling :) 

Well bring on the Next year then, lets see what i can make out of it. Because just saying oh gosh what a dull year or talking about how you havent done anything worth doing this year is not going to change anything. Less talk and more action i say. So the coming year i have decided to be more forward and active in doing things i WANT to do. Instead of just sitting around talking about it, because we all know we do alot of that. (talking i mean)

So heres looking forward to a happy NEXT year :)


  1. Because we all know that you talk alot.. haha i like this post... ^^ hahaha i hope your moving forward and active in doing things involve being in australia :P

  2. Hey and you started this amazing blog!!! Well done. :)

  3. thank you so much! yours is fantastic as well :)
